4. Getting started¶
PSFEx is run from the shell with the following syntax:
$ psfex Catalog1 [Catalog2 ...] -c configuration-file [-Parameter1 Value1 -Parameter2 Value2 ...]
The parts enclosed within brackets are optional. The file names of input
catalogues can be directly provided in the command line, or in lists that are
ASCII files with each catalogue name preceded by @
(one per line). One
should use lists instead of the catalogue file names if the number of input
catalogues is too large to be handled directly by the shell. Any
-Parameter Value statement in the command-line overrides the
corresponding definition in the configuration file or any default value (see
4.1. Input files¶
4.1.1. Catalogues¶
PSFEx does not work directly on images. Instead, it operates on SExtractor catalogues that have a small sub-image (“vignette”) recorded for each detection. This makes things much easier for PSFEx as it does not have to handle the detection and deblending processes. The catalogue files read by PSFEx must be in SExtractor FITS_LDAC binary format. This allows PSFEx to have access to the original image header content. The catalogues must contain all the following parameters in order to be processable by PSFEx:
- small image (“vignette”) centered on the object,
, wherew
are respectively the width and the height of the image in pixels, - centroid coordinates, e.g.
, - half-light radius
, - Signal-to-noise ratio in a Gaussian window
- flux measured through a fixed aperture, e.g.
, - flux uncertainty, e.g.
, - object elongation
, - extraction flags
dimensions \(w\) and h
set the maximum size, in
pixels, of the image area stored for each detection. It is advised to
use square sub-images (\(w = h\)) with an odd number of pixels (for
symmetry across the central pixel), and so that the sub-image covers
much of the visible footprint of non-saturated stars.
The size of sub-images in the catalogue (here \(35\times 35\) pixels)
must been chosen so that the frame encloses much of the visible
footprint of non-saturated stars. It is recommended not to use
excessively large sub-images as they lead to unpractically large
catalogues and make the PSFEx PSF cleaning procedure less robust. In
practice, values such as in VIGNET(45,45)
for instance, will generally
work well with most images.
SExtractor configuration settings for the pre-PSFEx run do not require much tuning in general. The SExtractor configuration file only need to differ from the default one on a few keywords. However these keywords must be set with care:
should be set toFITS_LDAC
(binary FITS catalogue).PHOT_APERTURE
defines the diameter of the circular aperture (in pixels) used as a reference for normalising the amplitude of the PSF model. It should be set to a value large enough so that variations due to seeing or aberrations are negligible at the level required for photometric analyses. But be aware that using excessively large apertures lead to noisy measurements and are more prone to light pollution by neighbouring sources. For professional, ground-based images, a value corresponding to an aperture diameter of \(5''\) is often a good compromise.- Detector gain: The effective “gain” (or more exactly the conversion factor,
in units of electrons/ADU) is required by SExtractor to compute the
uncertainty on pixel values, especially with bright star images.
configuration parameter tells SExtractor what keyword in the original FITS image header carries the detector gain. The default string forGAIN_KEY
. In multi-CCD cameras, the gain can slightly vary from one CCD to another, and can also vary with time. When working with single exposures, it is recommended to let SExtractor read the gain value from the image header, if it is present. In some detector chips with multiple readouts, several values of the gain may be present in the same header under different keywords (e.g.GAINA
). Since the gain differences will often be negligibly small for PSFEx (10% or less), it is usually safe to use one single value for the whole chip (for example,GAINA
). Note that what matters for reduced images is the “effective” gain, not the original detector gain. Dividing pixel values by some amount (e.g., the exposure time or a non-normalised flat field) multiplies the effective gain by the same amount. Combining several images also modifies the gain. For example if the final image is the mean of several images, the effective gain will be equal to the initial gain multiplied by the number of images. Taking the median or a weighted average also affect the gain (see, e.g., the SWarp documentation). Recent versions of SWarp properly take into account the effect of flux scaling and stacking on the gain, and insert the average effective gain in the output image header. Finally if no keyword with the name specified byGAIN_KEY
can be found in the FITS image header, SExtractor will fall back to using the gain value specified by theGAIN
configuration parameter. The default fallback value is0
, which actually tells SExtractor that the gain should be considered infinite (bright pixels not noisier that faint pixels). - Saturation level: PSFEx requires SExtractor to flag all saturated sources,
which may otherwise contaminate the “clean” star sample used to compute the
PSF model. SExtractor identifies saturated sources by checking if the value
of at least one source pixel exceeds a given “saturation level”.
As for the gain above, SExtractor examines first the value of a FITS image
header keyword to read the saturation level (in ADUs). The header keyword can
be set with the
SExtractor configuration parameter; the default string forSATUR_KEY
is commonly found in image files released by observatories and pipelines. Unfortunately, in practice, it is often found to be set at a value higher than that at which the detector markedly starts to behave non-linearly. It is therefore highly recommended to examine visually saturated stars on images and check if pixel values systematically exceed the saturation level reported in the header. If not, it is advised to giveSATUR_KEY
a name unlikely to exist as a keyword in the FITS file (for example,DUMMY
), and force the saturation level in SExtractor to a lower value using theSATUR_LEVEL
fallback parameter. Note that some detector/amplifier combinations start becoming non-linear at levels below the apparent saturation limit, so it is always safer to give a saturation level about 10% lower than the lowest value derived from the visual examination of all images.
4.2. Output files¶
4.2.1. PSF model files (.psf
The main purpose of PSFEx is to create a PSF model for each of the images from
which the input catalogues were extracted. The PSF models are stored under file
names that are given the .psf
extension by default (this may be changed
with the PSF_SUFFIX
configuration parameter). The .psf
files are
FITS binary tables that can be read back into SExtractor to perform accurate
model-fitting of the sources being detected. A detailed description of the
file format is given in the Appendix.
4.2.2. PSF homogenisation files (.homo
This is presently an experimental feature. In addition to computing PSF models, PSFEx has the possibility to derive “PSF homogenisation kernels” for all input catalogues. A PSF homogenisation kernel is a (variable) convolution kernel which, when applied to an image, gives the point sources it contains a constant, arbitrary shape. For practical purposes the target shape will preferably be a perfectly round analytical function, such as a Moffat [2] profile:
Homogenising the PSF of a set of images can allow for more consistent image combinations and measurements, once the consequences on noise have been properly taken into account.
PSFEx stores PSF homogenisation kernels as FITS data cubes. File names are
given the .homo
extension by default; this may be changed using the
configuration parameter. .homo
files can be read
by the PSFnormalize software developed by Tony Darnell from the
Dark Energy Survey data-management team to perform fast convolution of the
original images [3]. The SWarp software may also later
include this possibility.
4.2.3. Diagnostic files¶
Three types of files can be generated by PSFEx, providing diagnostics about the derived PSF and the modelling process:
- “Check-images” are basic FITS files containing images of the PSF model, fit
residuals, etc.. Configuration parameters
allow the user to provide a list of check-image types and file names, respectively, to be produced by PSFEx. A complete list of available check-image types is given in §[chap:paramlist]. Many check-images are actually aggregates of several small images; they may be stored as grids (the default) or as datacubes if theCHECKIMAGE_DATACUBE
parameter is set toY
. - “Check-plots” are graphic charts generated by PSFEx, showing maps or trends
of PSF measurements. The
configuration parameters allow the user to provide a list of check-plot types and file names, respectively. A variety of raster and vector file formats, from JPEG to Postscript, can be set withCHECKPLOT_DEV
(the default format is PNG). See the CHECKPLOT section of the configuration parameter list below for details. - An XML file providing a processing summary and various statistics in
VOTable format is written if the
switch is set toY
(the default). TheXML_NAME
parameter can be used to change the default file namepsfex.xml
. The XML file can be displayed with any recent web browser; the XSLT stylesheet installed together with PSFEx will automatically translate it into a dynamic, user-friendly web-page (Fig. 4.1). For more advanced usages (e.g., access from a remote web server), alternative XSLT translation URLs may be specified using theXSL_URL
configuration parameter.
4.3. The Configuration file¶
Each time it is run, PSFEx looks for a configuration file. If no
configuration file is specified in the command-line, it is assumed to be
called default.psfex
and to reside in the current directory. If no
configuration file is found, PSFEx will use its own internal default
4.3.1. Creating a configuration file¶
PSFEx can generate an ASCII dump of its internal default configuration, using
the -d
option. By redirecting the standard output of PSFEx to a file, one
creates a configuration file that can easily be modified afterwards:
$ psfex -d > default.psfex
and a more extensive dump with less commonly used parameters can be generated
by using the -dd
4.3.2. Format of the configuration file¶
The format is ASCII. There must be only one parameter set per line, following the form:
Config-parameter Value(s)
Extra spaces or linefeeds are ignored. Comments must begin with a #
and end with a linefeed. Values can be of different types: strings (can
be enclosed between double quotes), floats, integers, keywords or
Boolean (Y/y or N/n). Some parameters accept zero or several values,
which must then be separated by commas. Integers can be given as
decimals, in octal form (preceded by digit 0), or in hexadecimal
(preceded by 0x). The hexadecimal format is particularly convenient for
writing multiplexed bit values such as binary masks. Environment
variables, written as $HOME
or ${HOME}
are expanded.
4.3.3. Configuration parameter list¶
Here is a list of all the parameters known to PSFEx. Please refer to next section for a detailed description of their meaning. Some “advanced” parameters (indicated with an asterisk) are also listed. They must be used with caution, and may be rescoped or removed without notice in future versions.
Parameter: |
Default: |
Type: | Boolean If true ( |
Parameter: |
Default: |
Type: | Boolean Maximum number of bad pixels tolerated in the vignette before an object
is rejected ( |
Parameter: |
Default: |
Type: | String File name for the user-supplied FITS datacube of basis vector
images ( |
Parameter: |
Default: |
Type: | integer Size of basis vector set: square-root of the number of pixels for
Parameter: |
Default: |
Type: | float Scale size of |
Parameter: |
Default: |
Type: | keyword Basis vector set:
Parameter: |
Default: |
Type: | strings Catalogue |
Parameter: |
Default: |
Type: | Boolean If true ( |
Parameter: |
Default: |
Type: | strings File name of the check-image (diagnostic FITS image) of each type (.fits extension is not required, as it is assumed by default). |
Parameter: |
Default: |
Type: | keywords Types of check-images (diagnostic FITS images) to generate during PSFEx processing:
Parameter: |
Default: |
Type: | Boolean If true ( |
Parameter: |
Default: |
Type: | keywords PLPlot devices to be used for check-plots (all devices may not be available, see PLPlot documentation for details):
Parameter: |
Default: |
Type: | strings File names for each series of check-plots. PSFEx will
automatically insert the associated catalogue names, and append/replace
file name extensions with the appropriate ones, depending on the chosen
Parameter: |
Default: |
Type: | integers (\(n \le 2\)) Check-plot x,y resolution for bitmap devices ( |
Parameter: |
Default: |
Type: | keywords Diagnostic check-plots to be generated during PSFEx processing (PSFEx must have been configured without the
Parameter: |
Default: |
Type: | integer Size of the homogenisation kernel basis vector set: \(n_{\rm max}\) for
Parameter: |
Default: |
Type: | float Scale size of |
Parameter: |
Default: |
Type: | keyword Basis vector set for the homogenisation kernel:
Parameter: |
Default: |
Type: | string Filename suffix of the homogenisation kernels computed by PSFEx. |
Parameter: |
Default: |
Type: | floats (\(n \le 2\)) Moffat model Full-Width at Half-Maximum and \(\beta\) parameters of the idealised target PSF chosen for homogenisation. |
Parameter: |
Default: |
Type: | keyword
Parameter: |
Default: |
Type: | integer Size of the image vector set (number of basis vectors) derived by PSFEx from the input vignettes.} |
Parameter: |
Default: |
Type: | keyword
Parameter: |
Default: |
Type: | integer Number of threads (processes) to be used for parallel computation.
PSFEx must have been configured with the |
Parameter: |
Default: |
Type: | string Catalogue |
Parameter: |
Default: |
Type: | string Catalogue |
Parameter: |
Default: |
Type: | float Expected accuracy of vignette pixel values (standard deviation of the flux fraction). |
Parameter: |
Default: |
Type: | float Effective pixel size (width of the top-hat intra-pixel response function) in pixel step units. |
Parameter: |
Default: |
Type: | Boolean If true ( |
Parameter: |
Default: |
Type: | float Sampling step of the PSF models, in pixels. Use |
Parameter: |
Default: |
Type: | integers (\(n \le 2\)) Dimensions of the tabulated PSF models, in PSF |
Parameter: |
Default: | `` .psf`` |
Type: | string Filename suffix for PSF models computed by PSFEx. |
Parameter: |
Default: |
Type: | integers (\(n = n_{\rm groups}\))
Parameter: |
Default: |
Type: | integers (\(n = n_{\tt PSFVAR\_KEYS}\)) Polynomial group which each context key belongs to. |
Parameter: |
Default: |
Type: | strings (\(n \le 2\)) List of |
Parameter: |
Default: |
Type: | integer Number of PSF snapshots computed on each axis. This also defines the resolution of the grid on which diagnostics and check-plot maps are computed. |
Parameter: |
Default: |
Type: | Boolean If true ( |
Parameter: |
Default: |
Type: | integer Bit mask applied to SExtractor flags for rejecting input vignettes. |
Parameter: |
Default: |
Type: | floats (\(n=2\)) Range (in pixels) of source FWHMs (Full-Width at Half-Maximum) allowed
for input vignettes. FWHMs are currently estimated based on SExtractor‘s
Parameter: |
Default: |
Type: | float Maximum source ellipticity (i.e. \(\frac{\tt{A\_IMAGE} - \tt{B\_IMAGE}}{\tt{A\_IMAGE} + \tt{B\_IMAGE}}\)) allowed for input vignettes. |
Parameter: |
Default: |
Type: | float Minimum source Signal-to-Noise ratio allowed for input vignettes. |
Parameter: |
Default: |
Type: | float Maximum fractional FWHM variability (1.0 = 100%) allowed for input vignettes. |
Parameter: |
Default: |
Type: | keyword Catalogue-to-catalogue variability criteria for vignette selection:
Parameter: |
Default: |
Type: | keyword
Parameter: |
Default: |
Type: | keyword Degree of verbosity of the software on screen:
Parameter: |
Default: |
Type: | Boolean If true ( |
Parameter: |
Default: |
Type: | string File name for the XML output of PSFEx. |
Parameter: |
Default: |
Type: | string URL of an XSL style-sheet for the XML output of PSFEx. This URL
will appear in the |